b'Destinations, Assessment & TrackingDestinationsTransition work is continuous progress,Enterprise Adviserstudents work with a number of Workshops and enterprise support external providers to support transition when leaving the programme. PartnersNE1 Cancurrently involved include;Workplace visits have included Marks and Spencers and LNER. Connexions - Independent careers advise and careers interviewsThe study programme is also a part of theAll students access a careers interview and North East Careers Hub which offers fantasticcareers work with a trained careers advisor support, information and guidance on allfrom Connexions.aspects of careers and transition.Department for work and pensions Weekly workshops on careers, CV and application writing, interview skills etc.100% of 2020 and 2021 leavers had positiveAssesment & Trackingdestinations when leaving sixth form; destinations included local colleges and trainingStudents performance and progress is providers offering a range of courses. We have amonitored continually through number of success stories including; a studentcomprehensive teacher records and securing full time employment following timereviewed at the annual EHCP review. spent with a training provider. The skills theEHCP objectives are also tracked student learnt during their time on the 16-18termly and evidenced via teacher study programme and on vocational worktracking sheets.placements all contributed to securing the employment offer. Assesments follow schools maths and English tracking policy and interventions are put in place to ensure progress.Page 10'