b'Stafng, Uniforms, Attendance & TransportStafng TransportThe Phase 5 Lead/Assistant HeadWe actively encourage independent Teacher overseas the 16-18 studytravel to aid the development of programme with specialist teachers andstudents skills, those who are not teaching assistants supporting thecondent independent travellers will provision. access travel training.Students who qualify for local authority Uniforms transport must apply to the appropriate departments within the local authority.16-18 study programme students are required to wear a uniform, the ethos ofArrangements are made by the transport the study program is to preparesection (0191) 4271717. students for the world of work.All students are entitled to a free all-day bus Top: Black school jumperpass available from Nexus.Trousers: Black trousersShoes: Black shoesAttendanceThe attendance target for all students isEpinay School has made a difference to 94.5% or above, attendance isChloes life, I feel Chloe was in the dark extremely important in order forat a mainstream school, and now this students to achieve their full potential.school has turned the light on inside her Attendance incentives are put in place termly.and made her realise she can do things Attendance is tracked and monitoredshe never thought possible!!following the whole school attendance policy. (Ashley, Chloes Mam)Page 11'