b'Welcome to Epinay 16-18 Study ProgrammeThank you for taking the time to read this prospectus. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have enjoyed putting it together.The aim of this prospectus is to give you a briefachievement. Parents/carers, other introduction to our school and give an insightprofessionals, visitors, volunteers and the local into the experiences and opportunities wecommunity play a vital part in this. offer to our learners. We are very proud of our school and all the exciting activities currentlyIf you would like to arrange a visit to our taking place.school, please contact the school ofce and I will be very happy to meet you. As a school we create a safe and inclusive centre of excellence by providing aChris Rue, Head Teacherstimulating environment where learners achieve challenging and inspirational targets in order to develop as happy, condent and independent learners who are prepared for adulthood.We aim to build condence and self-esteem by ensuring our learners make outstanding progress and experience a sense of My childs journey through sixth form has been like an educational adventure.He has had some amazing experiences that underpin his understanding of the lessons he has when he is classroom based. The relationship between the excellent teaching team and the pupils is amazing, they are able connect on a professional level but which is also personal and tailored to each childs individual needs. As a parent, I have been able to take a step back relax and let Marcus enjoy his journey. My child very much feels settled happy secure and valued in his learning environment and enjoys every aspect of his learning and takes every opportunity offered because of this.This is a phenomenal place to learn and I would personally recommend it to any family/learner.(Parent of Sixth Form leaver 2020)Page 3'