
The curriculum has been written by using and extending the National Curriculum alongside relevant, evaluated educational research which is relevant to our school community. The curriculum provides a broad and balanced progressive, sequential, long term plan with consideration of the local area and resources. All aspects of the curriculum comply with legislation and national guidance, including the teaching of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) and Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) across school. We have designed an innovative curriculum, which teaches information and skills which matters to our learners, to enable them to know, remember and understand more, as well as ensuring that the skills and knowledge gained in phases 1-3 prepares learners for subject specific qualification based learning in phases 4 and 5.

At Epinay School we set our students in phases based on academic ability in English. Students generally start in Phase 1 and work through to phase 5. Within the phases we have 3 specialist provisions; 2 lifeskills groups and Senses.

Phase 1 – Follows an EYFS model adapted to meet the needs of SEND students, led by 2 class teachers and high levels of support assistance. Students in this phase have access to sensory intervention and access child initiated learning.

Phase 2 – Follows a primary model covering carefully designed programmes of study adapted to meet the needs of SEND students in maths, English, science, ICT, history and geography, with 1 class teacher. These students will access specialist teaching in Art, DT, PHSE, RE, PE and music, they will also access 1 afternoon per week of personal development on a termly carousel between Bushcraft, Beach School, swimming, dance, media productions, horse riding, outdoor education and natural enterprise.

Phase 3 – Follows a secondary model covering carefully designed programmes of study adapted to meet the needs of SEND students whereby specialist teaching covers maths, English, science, ICT, history, geography, art, DT, PHSE, PE, music and RE. These students will access 1 afternoon per week of personal development on a termly carousel between Bushcraft, Beach School, swimming, dance, media productions, horse riding, outdoor education and natural enterprise.

Phase 4 – Follows a secondary model whereby specialist teaching covers maths, English, science, ICT, PHSE, RE and PE working towards qualification outcomes. These students will choose 1 wellbeing option in performing arts, art, horticulture, sport or photography which they will do 2 afternoons per week for 1 year. 1 career pathway in catering, ICT, lifeskills, history and DT which they will do 1 afternoon per week for 1 year. Some student will access a full day placement within a chosen career pathway.

Phase 5 – Students are post-16 and follow bespoke pathways to employment and a programme of study led by 1 class teacher with a team of supporting teachers to deliver work toward a chosen route into work – maths and English work will be related to essential qualifications and what is relevant/needed for that pathway, all other courses, vocational work and work experience will be tailored towards the chosen route and PFA.

Within phase 3, 4 and 5 there are life skills groups. The rationale for these groups is to prepare students for adulthood and where possible qualifications at the appropriate level. Students within these groups will follow a progressive bespoke scheme of work which encompasses the key skills required in maths, English and foundation subjects to ensure they are fully prepared for adulthood. The phase 3 group will access personal development afternoons, the phase 4 group will take option choices and h phase 5 group will be purely vocational .

The Senses Hub students present with challenging responses and feelings to situations due to their autistic spectrum diagnosis.  They display severe difficulties in managing their emotions and environment and need an alternative curriculum which teaches them strategies to manage this, along with additional support.